Greystanes Uniting Church Child Care Centre operates the Tigers Out of School Hours Care Centre in the school hall at Greystanes Public School which caters for children attending that school.
The Centre cares for children between the hours of 7am and 9am and between 3pm and 6pm Monday to Friday during school terms. Vacation care is not provided.
The Centre is licensed by the Department of Education and Communities and managed under the same structure as the Child Care Centre. It operates in accordance with the My Time, Our Place Framework for school-age care and is rated as Meeting National Standards. Child Care Subsidy is available for families who qualify.
We provide breakfast and afternoon tea, where children are encouraged to make menu suggestions and assist with preparation.
Children can choose from a range of experiences each day catering for their interests. These include art and craft, construction, dramatic play, group games and outside play. Staff maintain records of activities for parents to view in the daily diary.
Before School Care: 7:00am - 9:00am - $20.00
After School Care : 3.00pm -6:00pm - $28.00