Greystanes Uniting Church Child Care Centre is a well-established community-based centre which is supported by Uniting Early Learning. We value and embrace each child’s individual personality and support their wellbeing to build resilience, confidence and a sense of acceptance. At our centre, we believe children come first and educators will always act in the best interests of the children. We celebrate children being in the present, not just in preparation for the future.
We provide both Long Day Care for children from 3 to 5 years and Out of School Hours care for children from Greystanes Public School.
The Centres are managed by a local management committee made up of parents and church members and parents are encouraged to become involved in the management of the Centres. We encourage families to share ideas and suggestions and be involved in the centre during their child’s time with us.
Child Care Subsidy is available for families who qualify.
The Long Day Care Centre is open from 7.30am – 5.30pm 48 weeks of the year, closing for 4 weeks over December/January. The Out of School Hours Care Centre operates from 7am-9am, and 3pm-6pm during school terms, Vacation Care is not provided.